Οι Ανώνυμοι θα αποκαλύψουν στον κόσμο την ύπαρξη εξωγήινης ζωής ? (VIDEO)

Σε ένα βίντεο που ανέβηκε στις 28 Απριλίου στο youtube, οι Ανώνυμοι(?) προειδοποιούν ότι θα αποκαλύψουν στο κοινό ντοκουμέντα από κυβερνητικές οργανώσεις, σχετικά με την ύπαρξη εξωγήινης ζωής. 

Η αλήθεια είναι ότι ο καθένας πλέον μπορεί να ανεβάσει ένα βίντεο και να ισχυριστεί ότι είναι από τους Ανώνυμους. Οι λόγοι για να κάνει κάποιος κάτι τέτοιο είναι πολλοί. Ανεβάζουμε το βίντεο με κάθε επιφύλαξη σχετικά με την σχέση του με τους Ανώνυμους, γι' αυτό και το ερωτηματικό στον τίτλο και στο άρθρο. 

Το μήνυμα του βίντεο:
Greetings citizens of the world. We now have the knowledge of the illuminati and We will share this information with you.
We can perceive why those withholding this knowledge are doing so, but completely disagree, with that policy.
It is every human's birthright, to be given the truth regarding reality and our place in the universe.
You are intelligent enough to come to terms with this information and therefore We know You will not suffer.
You will have your reality and belief system challenged, but You Will benefit from it's disclosure.
When this Data is released in the coming weeks, first impressions will be disbelief, due to Your own mind calling out fake and impossible!
However, You will be guided through this experience of learning.
It will be an extremely Hard lesson to learn once you become one of the knowing, and it will be no easy ride(Psychologically speaking).

For as we stated your perception of reality and belief systems are challenged to
the highest degree. Once this battle has conspired, You will emerge reborn with the knowledge of the universe and all that is.
You will not instantly know every aspect of the reality which has been denied you.
Instead it will be up to You to perceive the information being released and use Your mind and inner light to connect with those the ancients called the Gods, thus receiving more answers.

You are in receipt of their messages yet You choose to ignore them, as the conditioning You have endured willingly, creates a 'Mind-set' that refuses to acknowledge them. What you refuse to know in your mind, You will refuse to see with your eyes. Those whom try and refute this evidence (and there will be many), are those that keep your mind in
bondage, do not trust them, instead trust your own intuition.

The data which we release will be visual and verbal. All we ask of You, is to promote it and translate it into Your own language and the language of others, be it verbal or sign. When this message has become viral on the internet, we will then disclose the truth.

This message is to prepare the way for the teaching of what is. The coming videos will explain all. When folk see what they have there will be (as stated in this video) much disbelief and cries of impossible, debunking and denial, however no-one will be able to refute official images and footage!.

But one must realise the only threat to humanity is those that hide the truth and have been doing so since the early 1900's.


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